Historically, finding DBE-certified companies in New Hampshire has been challenging and time consuming for organizations and their procurement teams. DBESearch.com is disrupting this experience in a big way with an interactive, dynamic, online searchable database of diverse and certified disadvantaged business enterprise (DBE) companies located in New Hampshire.

Companies researching where to apply their supplier-diversity program budget can now leverage our live, searchable database to find desired partners within the New Hampshire region and its surrounding locations.

The directory enables you to narrow your search by:

  • Zip code,
  • Industry category,
  • NAICS code,
  • Search radius, and
  • DBE type.

DBESearch.com was launched earlier this year with a mission to combat and overcome the challenge of finding DBE-certified businesses – starting in New England and expanding across the U.S.

The two primary objectives we are hoping to achieve with DBESearch is to:

  1. Make it easier for non-DBE businesses and government agencies to search for and find DBE-certified companies to partner with in their target, geo-location.
  2. Provide DBE-certified companies with a new channel to promote their business and generate revenue.

So, what are you waiting for? Search the New Hampshire online DBE directory and partner with some new companies in your area.

Are you a DBE-certified business and don’t see your company in our directory? Submit your company to the directory here.

Our goal is to make this the easiest way for local companies to find and partner with DBE-certified businesses in the New Hampshire area.

Your feedback on how to improve the experience is very important to us. Have ideas on how we can make DBESearch better? Email me at matt@dbesearch.com

Author: Matt Reed

Posted: 7/14/2021 7:51:08 AM

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